On books and reading

I started reading 3 years ago, May 2017.

Before that, I had never read novels except academic books. One day, I came across a documentary about Warren Buffet. It made all the difference. I was inspired by his habit of reading. I decided to try reading. That time, my mental health was getting worse. Also, I was becoming sick of myself. I needed something new in my life that will only be mine. Finally, I picked up a novel after a month. I began with self-help and spiritual book, ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Robin Sharma. I took up the challenge of reading every day for at least 15 mins. The first 30 days were difficult. Eventually, I started enjoying the book and spent extra time reading. I started connecting with my inner self and enjoy my company.  I chose to read some series after completing that book so that I would continue reading. I picked up Harry Potter since it’s 7 parts and I didn’t even know the story. Books kept me calm. It opened my mind. I began learning about the different viewpoint of stories. I also started exploring genres and buying books. I have read fiction, philosophical fiction, horror, psychological thriller, etc. There are so many great authors. Books have helped me become the person I am today. It gave me clarity and made me a better person. So, this is how I fell in love with books. I started reading poetry soon after this. Followed by writing and visiting libraries. It’s a wholly new world I am living in now as if I have been born again. I am learning. It’s a long journey to know all about literature but the important thing is I am enjoying it. I am in love with myself because of all this. A lot of great stuff happened due to reading. I will write regarding it some other time. This one is dedicated to books and reading.

Happy reading ♥️

Happy Reading


  1. “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
    – Neil Gaiman

    Books, comic books. There’s something magical about reading simple people with complex lives, beating the worst odds. Truly, books are magic. They can turn children into warriors, heroines, adventurers, and they can turn adults into children, teenagers. Imagination just flying everywhere.

    Really a joy to read about passion for books. Glad they bring happiness to you too.

    Liked by 1 person

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